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Tips to Ensure Efficient Stormwater Pit Service and Avoid Stormwater Contamination

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Your stormwater pit is where the rain running off your property is collected to help ensure the water flows out at the correct rate so that overflow problems can be avoided. If this pit clogs up, it can lead to flooding both onsite and offsite. Here are a few effective steps you can take to ensure the unobstructed drainage of water out of your property and also minimise the contamination of the stormwater.

Yard care

The first step toward ensuring that you get efficient service from your pit system is to take proper care of your yard. As the water going into your pit can carry with it soil from your yard (leaves, grass clippings and other large debris from the lawn; chemicals from pesticides used on the lawn; and other types of hazardous or unwanted elements) it is important that you keep these elements out of your yard as much as possible.

Make sure to rake the leaves in your yard regularly, especially during the dry season when trees tend to shed leaves a lot. Whenever you mow your lawn, heap up the grass clippings and bag them up for pickup and disposal. Also, consider minimising on the use of pesticides that contain harsh chemicals. If the water going into your pit is contaminated with too many chemicals, you will not be able to use it for household activities that do not demand high quality water. Consider growing turf, flowers, shrubs and herbs that are more resilient against pests.

By taking good care of your yard, you will also be reducing issues with overflowing pits and bad water quality.

Pit care

Generally speaking, there should be control measures to protect your stormwater pit from potential clogs that may cause overflow on your property, your neighbour's property or even the adjacent street. There are various devices you can use to protect your pit including stormwater pit traps, sediment fence traps and filter socks. Stormwater pit traps are generally baskets used to collect and prevent large debris from entering the pit and causing blockages; sediment fence traps are placed around the drain to capture sediment, while filter socks are woven fabrics used to separate the unwanted elements from the run-off.

The use of pit protection devices does not necessarily mean that property owners will not need to clean their pits. While pit cleaning service is vital, the protection devices can help avoid much bigger issues associated with obstructed run-off.
